Online seminar "Preparation of commercial offers and company presentations"
14 April 2021

The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus organized an online seminar on drafting the commercial offers to be submitted to the MFA and diplomatic missions of Belarus, as well as on preparing presentations of products and services.

Addressing the seminar participants were the BelCCI Chairman Vladimir Ulakhovich, Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Foreign Economic Activity Coordination Division of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yaroslav Mitskevich, Director of the Center for Education Initiatives and Innovations, business consultant Valentina Chekan. More than 250 representatives of Belarusian companies joined the broadcast.

The seminar participants were informed on the requirements for the commercial offers submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign diplomatic missions of the Republic of Belarus, including the data needed, the specifics of products description, peculiarities of translation into foreign languages, the need to use foreign market study data. Besides, the Belarusian companies' representatives were presented with the strategies to prepare effective and up-to-date presentations of the companies, brands, products and innovative projects, typical presentation mistakes and ways to avoid them.

Vladimir Ulakhovich underlined the importance of close cooperation of Belarusian enterprises with diplomatic missions for the promotion of goods and services to foreign markets, as well as the relevance of the seminar subject for the business community. "Given the competition is growing in the global market, the professionally-prepared commercial project and bright presentation of products and services will help enterprises to distinguish themselves from the competitors, attract the attention of potential partners and successfully develop the niches in foreign markets," the BelCCI Chairman underlined.

Besides, Vladimir Ulakhovich presented the new project of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Export Online" which is aimed at Belarusian goods promotion through international e-commerce platforms, as well as drew attention to the Academy of Export business course to be held by the BelCCI for the fourth time this autumn.
