Holding meetings and negotiations in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, searching for business partners
The BelCCI provides a range of services on organization of business meetings, negotiations, contact and cooperation exchanges in various formats
В2В (Business to Business)
B2C (Business to consumer)
В2D (Business to Diplomats)
В2G (Business to Government)
R2R (Region to Region)
Assistance in finding international business partners and potential buyers who have shown interest in your products and are ready to enter into substantive negotiations
Opportunity to meet with representatives of state authorities, diplomats
Opportunity to conclude contracts for the supply of products and establish new sales/supply channels
Organization of bilateral and multilateral business events in off-line and on-line format
Opportunity to continue negotiations at partners' location
Promotion of the interests of Belarusian exporters and the Republic of Belarus in the international arena
Distribution of your presentation materials
Organization of product presentation, the opportunity to present your brands
Organization of an advertising campaign for events, involving the media
Benefits of Membership the BelCCI :
Access to partner organizations of the BelCCI in more than 100 countries and representatives of the BelCCI abroad is opened (sending requests, participating in events) (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in the annual meeting of heads of foreign institutions of the Republic of Belarus with heads of Belarusian enterprises (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in bilateral negotiations with representatives of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Belarus during the annual Trade Advisor Day (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in the work of specialized committees of the BelCCI and business councils of the BelCCI with foreign countries (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)
Participation in meetings of representatives of government bodies and the business community to discuss entrepreneurship issues (with the “Premium” benefit package – priority participation)