Date: 27 Jun 2024
The country: Belarus
City: Vitebsk
Format: Business council meeting
Organizer: BelCCI
Location: EE "Vitebsk State University named after. P.M. Masherova" (Vitebsk, Moskovsky Avenue)
Participation: Free
Start of the event: 27.06.2024 03:30:00 pm

The contact persons are:

Kirill Dzeryabin, tel.: +375 17 284 77 89, e-mail:;

Aleksandr Golovarev, tel.: +375 17 290 72 50, e-mail:

As part of the 11th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia in Vitebsk, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, is holding a Joint Belarusian-Russian business event on the topic "Unlocking the potential of innovative cooperation between Russia and Belarus – a vector of technological development and growth".

On the Russian side, heads of chambers of commerce and industry and business representatives from eight regions (Bryansk, Smolensk, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Tula and Penza regions, the Republic of Tyva, Moscow and the Moscow region) have confirmed participation in the forum.

During the event, it is planned to consider promising areas for the development of Belarusian-Russian trade and economic interaction, discuss doing business issues, exchange views and share cooperation experience.

Belarusian participants of the event will also be given the opportunity to join the discussion and make a report, and establish new business contacts with Russian participants.

In addition, the event will include a ceremony for signing bilateral commercial contracts and agreements.