Date: 22 - 26 Jan 2024
The country: Tanzania
Format: Business visit
Organizer: Mogilev branch of the BelCCI
Participation: Paid
Start of the event: 22.01.2024 12:00:00 am
Tatiana Sitnikova, tel./fax: +375222 778034, vel +375 33 6070805, e-mail:

In order to promote Belarusian exports to the countries of the “far arc” and establish bilateral cooperation, the Mogilev branch of the BelCCI invites you to take part in a business visit to Tanzania (Dar es Salaam) from January 22 to 26, 2024.

For reference: Tanzania (area: 947,303 km², population: 66 million people) is a state in East Africa. Tanzania's economy is largely based on agriculture. Tanzania exports gold, coffee, cashews, tea, cloves, and cotton. Industry (mining, manufacturing), electricity, water and construction are major and growing components of Tanzania's economy. Tanzania imports machinery, industrial, transport and construction equipment, food, crude oil and petroleum products, consumer goods, chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals.

The visit program includes meetings and direct negotiations with African companies in accordance with the declared interests of Belarusian enterprises, and visits to companies in Tanzania.

Manufacturers of food products, agricultural machinery, industrial, transport and construction equipment, electrical products for the energy sector, and chemical products are invited to participate in the visit.

Planned: January 22 flight Minsk-Dubai-Dar es Salaam, January 23-26 business program in Tanzania, January 26 flight Dar es Salaam-Dubai-Minsk.

The cost of participation in this visit will be determined after determining the quantitative composition of the group and will include the costs of organizing a business program, translation services, transport services and accommodation in Dar es Salaam.

Additionally paid: air travel (from 1380 euros), travel allowances (according to the standards of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus), consular fee for a visa to Tanzania ($50) (visa is issued online).

In order to form a Belarusian delegation and develop a business program, we ask you to consider this proposal and send an application in any form before December 15, 2023 by email Contact person – Tatiana Sitnikova, tel./fax: +375222 778034, vel +375 33 6070805, e-mail: