Date: 23 - 26 Jan 2024
The country: Russia
Format: Business visit
Organizer: Mogilev branch of the BelCCI
Participation: Paid
Start of the event: 23.01.2024 12:00:00 am
Yulia Svirchenkova: tel./fax: +375(222)778034, tel. mobile: +375(44)73500030, e-mail:

From January 23 to 26, 2024, the Mogilev branch of the BelCCI will organize a business visit to Moscow, (the Russian Federation) for managers and specialists in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus.

It is planned during the visit:

January 23 departure and arrival in Moscow on a direct flight Minsk-Moscow; visit to the Bortnikovo livestock complex of the Ekonova Agroholding;

January 24, visit and participation in the business program of the international exhibition on livestock breeding, breeding and feed production AGROS-2024 (, the exhibition POTATOES AND VEGETABLES AGROTECH (, international exhibition of equipment for the production of milk and dairy products DAIRY TECH ( In addition, in the evening, visit to VDNKh Belarusian pavilion No. 18 and the exhibition-forum “Russia”, pavilion No. 75;

January 25, visit to the Ulanovo livestock complex of the Ekonova agricultural holding;

On January 26, departure from Moscow by direct flight and arrival in Minsk.

When visiting livestock complexes, the following topics will be covered: milk production technology, conditions for keeping calves, cows, feeding rations, veterinary treatment, sale of breeding stock, as well as seed production, conditions for the supply of seeds to the Republic of Belarus.

The participation is fee paying.

Applications are accepted in any form indicating your full name, position and contact numbers until December 29, 2023.

We invite you to take part in the visit. Contact person for additional information: Yulia Svirchenkova: tel./fax: +375(222)778034, tel. mobile: +375(44)73500030, e-mail:

Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to resolve many issues for many months ahead in one trip to Moscow at the very beginning of the year!